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Class 158 2-Car DMU 158711 ScotRail Saltire
'N' Gauge
Released: 17/01/24
DCC Ready (Next18)
Era 9
The British Rail Class 158 Express Sprinter is a Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU), built specifically for British Rail's Provincial Services sector between 1989 and 1992 by British Rail Engineering Limited (BREL) at Derby Litchurch Lane Works and outshopped in Regional Railways Provincial livery. They were built to replace many locomotive-hauled passenger trains, thereby reducing cost of operation, and to allow cascading of existing Sprinter units to replace elderly 'heritage' DMUs. The majority of the 182-strong fleet of Class 158 units were built as two-car sets, with 17 three-car units constructed specifically for use on Trans-Pennine services. Similar three-car units were built for use by Network SouthEast but these were converted to Class 159 specification before introduced into service, with toilet retention tanks and other modifications to operate over the third-rail network. All but one of the Class 158s remain in service today (2023), with operators including ScotRail, Northern, Great Western (GWR), East Midlands Trains (now EMR), and Transport for Wales (formerly Arriva). Former operators include Central Trains. The Class has worked extensively across the UK network, even into East Anglia as far as Stansted Airport and Norwich. Some 158s have been converted to additional Class 159s and now operate for South Western alongside their original classmates.
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Class 158 2-Car DMU 158711 ScotRail Saltire With DCC Sound Fitted
'N' Gauge
Released: 17/01/24
DCC Fitted
DCC Sound
Era 9
SOUNDS F0 - Directional Lights - On / Off F1 - On - Warm Start / F5 - On, then F1 - On - Cold Start F2 - Brake (Non-Latching) F3 - Single Horn F4 - Two-Tone Horn F5 - Light Engine / Cold Engine Start F6 - Engine Idle / Coasting F7 - Flange Squeal F8 - On - Doors Opening (F1 On) / Off - Doors Closing (F1 On) F9 - Dispatch Whistle F10 - On - Guard's Buzzer (Single) / Driver's Response Buzzer (Single) F11 - On - Guard's Buzzer (Double) / Driver's Response Buzzer (Double) F12 - Engine Speed Up F13 - Air Conditioning Fan F14 - Windscreen Wipers F15 - On - Doors Opening (F1 Off) / Off - Doors Closing (F1 Off) F16 - Fade All Sounds F17 - Directional Lights Off (Car A, 57xxx) F18 - Directional Lights Off (Car B, 52xxx) F19 - Station Ambience F20 - Remote Telephone Test F21 - Detonators F22 - AWS F23 - F26 - No User Access F27 - Volume Down F28 - Volume Up Analogue Users: Please note that basic prime mover sounds will operate and will vary according to use when this model is used on analogue control (DC) straight from the box! Directional lights and passenger compartment lights will also illuminate when power is applied.
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