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Class 41 'Warship' Headcode Box D600 'Active' BR Blue
'N' Gauge
Released: 06/12/24
DCC Ready (Next18)
Era 6
The Class 41 ‘Warship’ locomotives (known originally as the D600s) were pioneers, being the first British mainline diesel-hydraulic locomotive and the first Type 4 diesel locomotive completed for BR when the class leader, No. D600, was delivered in late-1957. More than sixty years since the real locomotives first entered traffic, it is finally possible to enjoy N scale models of these western pioneers thanks to this new EFE Rail model.
A class of just five locomotives, not only did the Class 41s break new ground as the first Type 4 diesels built for BR, but in June 1958 No. D601 became the first diesel locomotive to haul the Cornish Riviera Express non-stop from Paddington to Plymouth. Complemented by many of the models found in the Graham Farish N scale range, from locomotives like the Castle Class steam locomotives and the Class 42 ‘Warships’, to the array of rolling stock suited to Western operations including Hawksworth and Mk1 Coaches, freight, and parcels stock, these new ‘Warships’ expand the Western options even further.
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