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4575 Prairie Tank 4584 BR Black (Early Emblem)
'OO' Gauge
Released: 11/12/24
DCC Ready (8 Pin)
Era 4
The 4575 ‘Prairie Tanks’ were some of the GWR’s most versatile locomotives and this Bachmann Branchline model brings the same versatility to any OO Scale layout set in the Western Region. The charm of the prototype is captured in the Branchline model which features a highly detailed, precision moulded bodyshell that is adorned with a multitude of separate components, from the metal handrails and tank vents to the lamp irons, tank fillers, lubricators and whistle. Sprung metal buffers are carried on each bufferbeam and inside the small but perfectly formed bunker, a realistic coal load is fitted. The chassis, powered by a substantial 3 pole motor, carries an 8 pin DCC decoder socket and is adorned with details like the springs, brake blocks, brake rigging and sand boxes – accompanied by separate wire sandpipes. Each of the front and rear pony trucks is sprung to provide superb track holding and NEM coupling pockets are moulded integrally; guard irons are also incorporated giving the trucks an authentic appearance. The livery is applied to the usual high standard you would expect from a Bachmann model, with rich paintwork adorned with finely printed lettering and numbering to produce a model that is fit for service straight out of the box.
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